Nashville Industrial Market Update Q1 2018

Nashville Industrial Market Update Q1 2018

Nationally, industrial property, and particularly distribution warehousing, is in high demand. As more retailers shift to serve online shoppers, same day / next day delivery is paramount. That means retailers are adding more distribution warehousing in strategic hubs.

Nashville Multifamily Market Update Q1 2018

Nashville Multifamily Market Update Q1 2018

Nashville saw a slight decrease in vacancy rates in 2017 – 2016 was a peak year of delivery for Nashville multifamily.

Nashville Office Market Update Q1 2018

Nashville Office Market Update Q1 2018

Nashville is one of the leading markets in the country as far as absorption rates are concerned. Why? Because of the massive build-to-suit projects we’ve delivered in the past year like the new Bridgestone HQ.

Open Floor Plan vs. Private Offices: Which Makes Sense for You?

Open Floor Plan vs. Private Offices: Which Makes Sense for You?

The Great Recession had a massive impact on how we think about office space.Businesses cut back on unnecessary expenses from lavish dinners to locations. By lowering the square footage per employee, businesses also realized unexpected benefits. But is the open floor plan really as amazing as it’s made out to be?

East Nashville Apartment Sale Proves Strong Neighborhood Market

East Nashville Apartment Sale Proves Strong Neighborhood Market

Since rebounding from the recession, the Nashville apartment market has been on a hockey stick trajectory. The office market has stabilized at 8.5% vacancy, the overall retail market is at 3.3% vacancy. Both lower than national averages. And housing is fighting to keep up with the demand from new residents.

The 8 Steps to Leasing Commercial Real Estate

The 8 Steps to Leasing Commercial Real Estate

Leasing commercial real estate isn’t easy. And businesses who don’t follow the process correctly will likely fail.

Unfortunately, we see it too often.

You could have the best products and services. You could even have an A+ location.

But if you missed one seemingly minor detail throughout the process, it could cost you.

Here are the 8 steps to leasing commercial real estate.

Will This Emerging Trend Benefit Nashville Entrepreneurs?

Business owners these days don’t care to have an oversized corner office sheltered from their team.They want to be in the trenches, working side-by-side with employees. And the open floorplan is no longer the solution.

What You Need to Know About Nashville's Vital Signs (2017)

Each year, the Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce leads a local coalition that tracks the key issues impacting the greater Nashville region and provides feedback / solutions with which we might address them. The Chamber’s “Vital Signs” report, which highlights the regional data collected and forecasts future regional challenges, is released to the public each October.

So, how will these issues impact Nashville’s real estate and business environment?

How to Immediately Add Curb Appeal to Your Business

Curb Appeal

Curb Appeal

Your curb appeal is your first impression.

Before your business can wow customers with your products or services, you have to impress them with an appealing exterior - your curb appeal.

Simple enough, right?

But a surprising amount of businesses tend to neglect their business' exterior.

Utilize your location as a marketing tool!

Grab customers' attention effectively with how your business is presented at its physical location.

Especially if you're in the retail or restaurant business.

It might seem old-fashioned.

Sure, viral marketing and multimedia campaigns are important weapons in a business’s marketing arsenal.

But you need to grab that attention as customers drive-by, too.

We've all done it - something about a business' exterior catches your attention and sparks your curiosity.

Next thing you know, you're stopping by to check them out.

There are good examples of businesses utilizing curb appeal around Nashville - and their customers reward them for it.

Here are some Nashville restaurants that are killing the curb appeal game:

No Baked Cookie Dough - 117 28th Ave North, West End

No Baked Cookie Dough Nashville

No Baked Cookie Dough Nashville

Proper Bagel Curb Appeal

Proper Bagel Curb Appeal

Rosepepper Cantina Nashville

Rosepepper Cantina Nashville

For helpful ways to improve your business’s curb appeal, check out the following infographic.

Curb Appeal Infographic

Curb Appeal Infographic

Infographic courtesy of Graphic House, Inc

Want a complimentary assessment of your property's appeal? Contact me!

Why the Most Successful Dentists Have Abandoned Traditional Offices

No, I don’t mean the design, décor, or even the technology.What’s making its way out of the dental industry? The traditional locations for dental offices, which are often tucked away in an office park or hidden away inside a large office building. In recent years, especially since the downturn, dentists have decided to bury the office; not let the office bury them. But where are they moving?